With over 60 years of experience in the design and production of window regulators for the Aftermarket and OE, Algo Group offers a wide range of models suitable for the most popular cars and commercial and industrial vehicles.
Product Types

Window regulator with comfort motor

Mechanism only

Motor only


Window regulator with 2 pin motor

Mechanism only
The design of window regulators conceived for the IAM market is carried out through reverse engineering starting from an original reference and making use of the sub-components carried over from within proprietary databases. The master-sample obtained will have the same functional parameters and will be perfectly interchangeable with the original one. Subsequently, the prototype will be subjected to test phases and be validated for mass production by building the suitable jigs for the correct assembly of the parts. The final product is tested to verify its correct functionality, boxed and sold. The design of an OE component takes advantage of constant collaboration with the customer: having received the 3D drawings of the door and the glass with its kinematics, we proceed with the 3D installation of the window regulator, verifying the most suitable type, weights and dimensions. Once the project is frozen, we proceed with the construction of the prototype on which assembly and functionality tests are carried out on the door and test bench, as well as durability, creep and noise tests according to the customer's internal specifications.

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